Tag Archives: west

2013 Days 16 and 17 – Homeward Bound with a stop in The Badlands

Leaving a family behind can be difficult. We’re very lucky because we have families all over the country who support The Outer Vibe! We have a wonderful network of people who give us a place to stay, or cook us a meal, or lend us a hand when we ask for help. The hard part is that, every time we get to visit with one of our families, there comes a time when we have to say goodbye. Leaving the Temples was not fun or easy! Scott went as far as to threaten us that the cops would stop us if we tried to get on the freeway. We weren’t entirely sure he was kidding.

It took over an hour and most of the guys in the group to get the bikes back into the trailer and strapped down for their long, bumpy journey home.

All lined up, waiting to go in the trailer

All lined up, waiting to go in the trailer

Keeping a crew of 11 people moving efficiently can be a challenge, but we did it. We considered leaving some valuable things behind at The Temple’s house so we’d have a reason to visit again soon. You know, something valuable like our equipment trailer with all our instruments. 🙂

Several of the crew members had never seen the Badlands, so we took the byway through them on the way home. We took advantage of the scenery to try for a band photo.


Scouting out a location

Scouting out a location

Stretching, and checking for shadows!

Stretching, and checking for shadows!

Nick, of course, felt right at home.

Nick, of course, felt right at home.

After spending some extra time in the Badlands, we had to haul to make up for lost time. We drove most of the way across South Dakota before stopping to buy some food to make for dinner. We hid the two trucks and two trailers, as inconspicuously as possible, in a gas station parking lot and fired up the grill.

Nick and Sean - the grill masters of the evening

Nick and Sean – the grill masters of the evening

Wonder decided the steak was so good, he didn’t even need a fork or knife to eat it.

Steak... nom

Steak… nom

It was a lot of time to sit in the car. Our crew decided to be studious and read. Or text. Quite the change from the pic we took of them hanging their heads out the window on the way out West!


We stopped in Austin, Minnesota to sleep for a few hours during the night, chugged some coffee, and continued on.

Day 2 of driving consisted of a stop that is very special to us…

The first year we went to Sturgis, Lisa’s bike broke down on the way home somewhere along I-90 in Wisconsin. We pushed it to the nearest exit to wait for the chase toter/trailer, which was 2 hours behind us. We sat at a gas station, glumly waiting, and soon noticed a bright, happy light across the street – German Haus! A wonderful local German restaurant, owned and operated by a man named Rolf, who took pity on poor Lisa’s sorry piece of Kawasaki and gave us a free round of beer. It was a great way to kill time.

So, we stopped there for lunch and to say hi to Rolf!

So excited for German Haus!

So excited to visit German Haus!

photo-116After lunch, we totered the rest of the way home, only stopping once. We arrived home around 10:15 P.M. We were tempted to turn around and head back to South Dakota… but we’ll just have to plan another tour soon. Very soon.

2013 Day 15 – Rapid City, Iron Mountain Road, Custer Wildlife Loop

This is our last day to see the sights and ride the bikes! But aside from touristy stuff, we wanted to get a few more photos of our new merchandise. We decided to kill two birds with one stone and visit downtown Rapid City. Half of the group hung out and took photos in the legendary Art Alley, and half of the group wandered the rest of downtown.


Kate, graciously modeling a custom TOV jacket among other merch items

Kate, graciously modeling a custom TOV jacket among other merch items


We were fortunate enough to see a graffiti artist in action!

We were fortunate enough to see a graffiti artist in action!

After visiting Art Alley, we hung around downtown a bit longer, thinking we’d let the threatening thunder and lightning pass. A round of cold beers at Firehouse Brewery and an hour later, the darn thunderstorm hadn’t budged, so we decided to just go for it. This was our last day to ride Iron Mountain Road, see its framed views of Mt. Rushmore, and maybe catch some wildlife. No time to wait around for a little rain!

As it turns out, we only got a few sprinkles. Also, the Sturgis rally had finished up two days prior, so there was hardly any traffic to worry about while riding the twists and turns up and down the mountain.

If you look closely, you'll see Mt. Rushmore in the distance.

If you look closely, you’ll see Mt. Rushmore in the distance.

We did a bit of climbing again. Noah practiced his yodeling again. And Tennille snapped a pretty good pic of the band!


Iron Mountain Road leads straight into the Custer Wildlife Loop. Aside from each other, we hadn’t seen too many wild animals yet, so we decided it would be fun to look for some furry creatures.

The first few miles of the loop were pretty frustrating – all we saw was a turkey and some deer. Boring – we have those in Michigan! And then, suddenly, as we rode up a hill and the road flattened back out:

Buffalo Jam!

Buffalo Jam!

A hundred buffalo were loafing by the road, lazily watching the cars and bikes slam on their brakes to gawk. There were big ones and small ones. Some were sleeping, some were playing, some wandered right into the middle of the road! Being on bikes, with only our helmets for safety, we were hardly terrified. Well, maybe just a little.

Have you ever been up close next to a bison? They're huge.

Have you ever been up close next to a bison? They’re huge.

Hoka Hey!

Hoka Hey!

Skeletor and Tenniquah

Skeletor and Tenniquah

We stopped to snap some pictures, and then continued on. We saw some elk, prairie dogs, and antelope.

It was getting dark and cold fast, so we hurried through the rest of Custer National Park. Route 16A is the road that loops off I-90, leading to Mt. Rushmore, the Crazy Horse monument, Needles Highway, Iron Mountain Road, and all the other fun spots to visit. After we completed the wildlife loop through Custer, we were headed northeast on 16A to get back to the freeway…. and what did we see? More buffalo!

Wonder managed to snap this pic from his bike when we paused to look.

Wonder managed to snap this pic from his bike when we paused to look at the bison!

We had originally planned to load the bikes into the trailer when we got home from this excursion, but it was almost 10 PM when we returned to Spearfish (after being on the bikes nonstop for about 5 hours) and we were a little tired, so we decided to wait. Instead, we enjoyed our last night with the Temples and started packing up our huge amounts of stuff, which had gradually begun taking over their house. 🙂

2013 Day 14 – Devil’s Tower

Today we decided to cross the state border into Wyoming to visit Devil’s Tower. It was a good afternoon ride, and the scenery was beautiful!

It's not actually a volcano. The clouds are strategically placed!

It’s not actually a geyser or volcano. The clouds are strategically placed!

Beautiful red rocks

Beautiful red rocks

Slathering each other with sunscreen before walking to Devil's Tower

Slathering each other with sunscreen before walking the rest of the way to Devil’s Tower

Quick band photo by the tower!


Nice tan line, Wonder!

Some of the group climbed as far up the tower as the park rangers allowed!


Wonder the spider monkey beat everyone to the top


The view from the top was amazing:

Wonder the spider monkey beat everyone to the top

Noah’s yodel echoed beautifully down the side of the tower

There were a bunch of fields surrounding the tower that were filled with prairie dogs!

We pulled over to photograph the little varmints

We pulled over to photograph the little varmints


Smile pretty!

Smile pretty! This little guy ran right up to Sean.

When we got home, we grilled some dinner with Scott and Mary and fit a record number of hungry people around the dining room table:

Stuffing our faces

Stuffing our faces